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Painful Childhood Dental Experiences Can Lead To Continued Fear As An Adult.

It’s important to bring children to the dentist for a checkup at an early age. The ADA recommends that a dentist examine a child within six months of the eruption of the first tooth and no later than the first birthday.

Early dental check-ups will help prevent and avoid pain and from tooth decay, abscesses, gum infections, etc.

Newswise reports, “One painful experience at the dentist in childhood can lead to a lifetime of dental anxiety and tooth decay” as the memory of painful childhood experiences at the dentists tend to remain fresh well into adulthood. Drawing on comments made by a Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine assistant professor of dentistry, the article goes on to offer advice to dentists about ways to create the best possible experiences for their pediatric patients. For example, the article advises that dentists make appointments with children suffering from ADHD for early in the morning, before the patient is tired or stressed. Explaining procedures and equipment thoroughly is also important for patient comfort, the article reports.

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